Configure Global LACP Parameters
Configure LACP parameters globally. After you configure the LACP system priority globally, it applies to all LACP-enabled aggregators and ports. After you enable the LACP on an aggregator or a port, it uses the global system priority value.
A change to the global parameter configuration takes effect after you restart the LACP globally or on each port.
About this task

Changes made at the global level override and reset all port level settings.
Switch:1(config)#lacp fast-periodic-time 2000 Switch:1(config)#lacp enable
Variable Definitions
The following table defines parameters for the lacp command.
Variable |
Value |
aggr-wait-time <200–2000> |
Configures the aggregation wait time (in milliseconds) globally. The default value is 2000. |
enable |
Enables LACP globally. The default value is disabled. |
fast-periodic-time <200–20000> |
Configures the fast periodic time (in milliseconds) globally. The default value is 1000. |
slow-periodic-time <10000–30000> |
Configures the slow periodic time globally. The default value is 30000. |
smlt-sys-id <0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00> Note:
Exception: not supported on 5320 Series. |
Configures the LACP system ID globally. Enter a MAC address in the following format: 0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00. |
system-priority <0-65535> |
Configures the LACP system priority globally. The default value is 32768. |
timeout-scale <2-10> |
Configures the timeout scale globally. The default value is 3. |